First-Year BBA Students Welcome Lecture

The winning team of the game for first-year BBA students

On Friday, September 13, 2019, all the first-year BBA students took part in the welcome lecture at the University of Economics, Prague. They were introduced to the university and its facilities, Integrated Study Information System (InSIS),  European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) and other study-related issues.


The afternoon was then dedicated to a game. At the beginning of the game, students were divided into teams of 4-5. They then had to solve a first puzzle after which they received further instructions. According to these, they had to visit various places through Prague, take a picture of the team at each place and carry out a specific activity. Fulfilling all those activities led students to a clue – address of their final meeting point. That turned out to be Prádelna Café, a coffee shop located near the university, where the winning team received their prize and all the students had the possibility to get to know each other and university representatives within a relaxed, informal gathering.