Looking Back: BBA Welcome Session 2023
On Thursday, September 16, 2023, the BBA programme Welcome Session was held in the Academic Club (Restaurace AK VŠE).
Having attended their Introductory Lecture two days prior to that, the students had already been introduced to all the necessities like the Integrated Study Information System (InSIS), European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) and other study-related issues, the programme on Thursday was more about getting to know each other and the BBA office staff.
Interested first-year/newcomer students first met by the statue in front of the Prague University of Economics and Business, and from there, they set out for a brief tour of the campus and its facilities, only to find their way to the evening’s venue – the Academic Club. Once there, they engaged in ice-breaking activities followed by a catered mixer where they all had the chance to meet their fellow students, the BBA staff and current students in an informal atmosphere. Before the mingling started, Academic Director, Mr. Tyll, delivered a welcome address and introduced the students to the BBA staff who are all very much looking forward to being part of your exciting journey ahead!
Thank you all for showing up and looking forward to seeing you next time!