Final Examinations

Faculty of Business Administration general information

The courses offered in the study plans (these can differ based on in which academic year the respective studies were commenced) can be found in the Integrated Study Information System (InSIS) under the link Study plans in the Study information section, sorted into subject groups. Information about the particular courses including the final examinations (which are listed as extra-semestral courses) can be then found in the Public catalogue of courses section.

Only a pass of the final examination can be considered as proper completion of the programme.

Recommended dress code


Bachelor’s final examination

The final examination of our Bachelor’s programmes consists of the following parts:

  • Final examination from the Programme studied (state exam),
  • Bachelor’s thesis defense.

Students are obliged to register for the final examinations through the InSIS. Each part of the exam is unambiguously identified through the use of a course code (ident) which can be found in the student’s study plan.

Final examination from the Programme studied (state exam)

Students who fulfil all requirements for the registration of the final examination (i.e. passed all the study obligations stipulated by their study plan) has to visit his/her study coordinator during the office hours. The student coordinator will check the fulfilment of all study obligations, closes the study in InSIS and confirms the registration note for the final examination. The student will then be allowed to register for the final examination from the course studied.

The registration for the examination is similar to the registration for extra-semestral courses, which are also marked by this course code (e.i. in the section My Study/Student’s portal/Extrasemestral Courses in the InSIS). The selection of the examination date is possible only after a successful registration. It is not possible to sit for an exam without a successful selection of a date.  This course has to be enrolled in the semester in which the student will sit the examination. It is necessary to submit the confirmed (from the student administrator) registration note at the final examination.

The topic registration and the defense of the Bachelor’s thesis

The registration of the Bachelor’s thesis in InSIS is done by the supervisor in cooperation with the student and at least six months before the planned defense. After the completion of the Bachelor’s thesis (in cooperation with the thesis supervisor) the student submits the thesis at first electronically into the database of qualification theses (only in .pdf format) in InSIS. The proper electronic submission has to be confirmed by the following notification: “Correct submission of the thesis confirmed – The electronic version of the thesis was submitted and the correct submission was confirmed. Hereby, the submission process is ended. The thesis cannot be modified anymore.”

State Exam in Study Field

Registrations for final state examination are available at InSIS. BBA students always get information e-mail with exact dates and further information in advance. Topics can be then found in the InSIS Public catalogue of courses, code PHM_BEN. Students should note that topics may slightly differ. It is very important to always choose the right term – the one in which the student wants to register for the exam.

Detailed instructions are available in Faculty general information (see link above). It is very important to visit the study coordinator (Programme Manager) in order to confirm the passing of all study requirements. Students always have to have printed confirmation of study obligation fulfilment issued by the Programme Manager.

Bachelor’s project

The Faculty of Business Administration replaces the bachelor’s thesis in its current form with the so-called bachelor’s project from the academic year 2024/25.

The change is effective from the academic year 2024/25, and only for newly admitted students. It does not apply to students who are already currently studying for a ‘Bachelor’s degree’.

The Bachelor’s project worth 10 ECTS will be fulfilled in a number of ways according to the student’s preferences and possibilities. These will either be:

  1. A professional internship in combination with a detailed report from a study abroad placement,
  2. participation in a faculty research project,
  3. or a specific entrepreneurial project.