Tuition Fee

Where there is money involved, it is always well-advised to pay close attention to the when and what you are doing.

The prospective students are therefore asked to go through the following instructions carefully in order to avoid any hiccups, late payments etc. Should any questions arise, you are always more than welcome to get in touch with the Programme Coordinator who will be able to assist you.

But before you do, please, do take the time to read the page’s content thoroughly.

Tuition fee

• The tuition fee amounts to 5,000 EUR or its equivalent in CZK
• There are two ways to pay your tuition fee – either through your InSIS administration (preferred method) or as a standard bank transfer •
• Tuition can be paid either in or in CZK using the exchange rate of the Czech National Bank

>>View below for details in Payment Methods.

PLEASE NOTE: The tuition fee of 2,500 EUR per semester (5,000 Eur per year) equals the amount of 30 ECTS per semester with a tolerance of 10 ECTS more/less. If you register for courses surpassing this ECTS limit, you have to pay for the courses separately by the third week of the respective semester. The price is 80 EUR per 1 ECTS.
Furthermore, please be aware that you are obliged to pay the full tuition fee even in case you only have a state exam or defence ahead of you.


Tuition fee/AY 1st payment  1st payment due 2nd payment 2nd payment due
5,000 EUR 2,500 EUR AUGUST 31 2,500 EUR FEBRUARY 1
JULY 31 – newly enrolled
3,800 EUR Set for current students who enrolled in the programme during the 2022/2023 intake and prior

Payment methods (bank transfer/InSIS)

!!! Please be aware that your bank may charge a fee for the transfer !!!

In order to avoid any hiccups, do make sure to ask the bank before sending the payment if the fee gets deducted from the payment or if you have to pay it extra. Otherwise, if the amount transferred to our account is not correct, the system will not approve your study as paid for! 




Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze

Beneficiary’s Bank:

Česká spořitelna, a. s.
Olbrachtova 1929/62, 14000 Praha 4
Czech Republic

Account number: 24242442/0800
IBAN: CZ39 0800 0000 0000 2424 2442

Variable symbol: always check for the correct symbol in your personal administration in InSIS
  again, you can find it in under your profile in the Study financing section  <<
Message for recipient: student’s full name


The payment is done via your personal administration in InSIS.
(Study financing and scholarships -> Study financing)

You have two payment options:
1) online payment by card (accepted cards are Visa, MasterCard, Diners/Discover Club, JCB and UnionPay)
2) a QR code transaction

Tuition fee refund policy

• in case of tuition fee refund, the university deducts 15% of the fee as a handling fee
!! it is not possible to apply for tuition fee refund after the beginning of the semester !!